Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Process

How to make steak, mashed potatoes and green beans Growing up I was a very independent child. I always wanted to learn to do things for myself. When I was about seven or eight, I learned how to make steak. It instantly became my favorite food. Along the years IVe gotten better at making steak and many other foods. One of my favorite dishes to make is green beans, mashed potatoes and of course steak. It is simple to make and requires little preparation.It is very important to have all the ingredients before you start to prep and cook our meal. You will need: two pans, four potatoes, steak, one can of green beans, one pot, a potato peeler, can opener, pepper, garlic, seasoned meat tenderizer, onion and garlic powder, vegetable oil, butter, milk, salt, chives, and a standing mixer with a rotating bowl. Once you have all of that you can start to peel the potatoes. After you have done this, you can fill the pot up with water and bring it to a boil.You can now add the potatoes and let it c ook for about twenty minutes until they are cooked horoughly. You can tell if they are finished if you can stick a fork easily through them. You then drain the water from the pot and put the potatoes in the standing mixer. The standing mixer makes it easier to whip the potatoes and they come out with no lumps. After you have whipped the potatoes, you can put them into a smaller pot and turn on the stove. Now you add a cup of milk, sprinkle some pepper and salt into the pot, and add 3 to 4 table spoons of butter.You also add some chives for lavor and mix all the contents all together. Lastly you reduce the heat and cover your finished product. Now you can move on to the steak. First you cut the steak into pieces and place it into a bowl to be cleaned. You run it under hot water to get rid of any bacteria. After draining the dirty water, you start to season the steak. The seasonings you will use are pepper, meat tenderizer, garlic, and onion and garlic powder. After seasoning the meat you can dice the garlic and place it in a pan with vegetable oil.Once the garlic as browned a bit, you can place the steak in the pan with half a cup of water. The water will keep the meat soft and tender. The steak will be brown all the way through when it is finished. Finally, you can start with the green beans. First you open the can and drain the water. Then you dice the garlic like you did for the steak. In a small pan you add three teaspoons of vegetable oil and add the diced garlic. Next you add the green beans and turn on the stove burner to a low heat.Add some pepper, salt and garlic owder and mix it all together so that the seasonings can be evenly distributed. Once the green beans are hot, you are finished. You now have a delicious meal that is ready to eat. Cooking has become something that I enjoy doing. I love learning different ways to make the same foods and trying new foods and recipes. I love when I cook for my friends and family and they boast about how good the food was. It makes me feel good and want to keep cooking to get even better. I love cooking as much as I love to eat. Process Essay By ktcr

Reduce the Cost of Marker Making

RESEARCH REPORT HOW TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF MARKER MAKING AND DECREASE THE WASTAGE OF FABRIC? TEXTILE INSTITUTE OF PAKISTAN Shakaib Iftikhar (AMM-3) Tariq Zaib(AMM-3) Arsalan Javed(AMM-3) Faiza Noor (AMM-3) TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT4 INTRODUCTION5 OBJECTIVES6 SCOPE OF THE THIS RESEARCH6 LITERATURE REVIEW7 EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY10 RESULTS11 DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS14 CONCLUSION16 APPENDIXES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦17 REFERENCES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦18ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to the following persons who have made the completion of this Lecture Notes possible: Our Research Teacher, Ma’am Rakshanda Shah,for her vital encouragement, support and teaching. Ma’am Nazia, our Institute Apparel Lab Assistant, for providing markers and patterns. Mr Gamini, Head of Apparel Department for the constant reminders and much needed motivation. Mr Pardeep from Eastern Garments for providing us the lab settings and inspiration he xtended. All the workers and staff of Eastern Garments who helped us in experimentations. Mr Lalith, Mr Salman and Mr Arsalan for assisting in the collection of the topics for the chapters. And Most especially to my family and friends. ABSTRACT Marker is a part of a paper on which the patterns of  all parts of the garments are drawn so that garments can be made by using minimum quantity of fabric. Reducing the quantity means that maker is being made efficient so that fabric wastage can be reduced as m uch as possible.There are two methods of marker making, the first one is manually in which a specialized marker maker makes the makers and try to utilize all the fabric so that another piece of fabric is not required. The other method is computerized method called Gerber Technology. In it the markers are made in computers and the efficiency is set by computer to decrease the fabric wastage. Saving the fabric is crucial because is decrease the average cost so that profit maximization can occur. After conducting experiments the best method for increasing the marker efficiency is Gerber (computerized).It makes the most efficient markers which decreases the wastage of fabric. This saves the cost and benefits the garment manufactures as they can make several pieces (patterns) out of less fabric. INTRODUCTION In recent years the number of markers required by apparel manufacturers has escalated disproportionately to growth. Orders are getting smaller, the number of different styles is incr easing, and lead times are getting shorter  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ all of which put more pressure on the marker making department. So it is no surprise that new automated marker making tools are being launched onto the market.Niki Tait takes a look. The improved fabric utilisation associated with computerised marker making has helped this technology virtually take over from traditional manual methods over the last 25 to 30 years. With fabric accounting for around 50 per cent of the ex-factory cost of a garment (more than 70 per cent in low cost labour countries), the 5 per cent saving associated with automated systems is key. In reality these marker making tools are ‘computer assisted' rather than ‘computerised,' with the skill of piece placement still relying on the experience of the marker maker.The computer plays a passive role, controlling the nesting constraints such as tilting, rotation and buffering while the operator makes all the decisions. An experienced marker maker will remember combinations which have worked before, he can see what part might fit into which slot, and he knows what he can tilt slightly off gain to fit. In the last few years, however, CAD companies and research organisations throughout the world have been working to develop systems to produce markers fully automatically.It's an extremely complex process given all the possible combinations of pattern part placements within a lay, and one that only becomes worthwhile if the material utilisation matches that produced by a skilled marker maker using conventional computer systems. It is only now becoming a viable option as the costs of high speed processing power and memory come down and software developments catch up. But for manufacturers the timing is a happy one as the number of markers – and cost of making them – has escalated disproportionately to growth.Orders are getting smaller, the number of different styles is increasing, and lead times are getting shorter â€⠀œ all of which put more pressure on the marker making department. With automatic marker making a series of parameters can be set. These include: produce the best possible solution in 30 minutes; try different combinations until a minimum of 91 per cent fabric utilisation is achieved; find the best combination within 500 tries etc. The system can be left to work through a batch of instructions unattended both day and night, so time constraints become less of an issue.With most automated systems, however, there is also the ability to combine human intervention within the automated process. Most CAD companies agree this provides for the best solution, particularly where the marker is going to be used for many repeats, on deep, long lays or where expensive fabrics are going to be cut. OBJECTIVES This research has several objectives which are beneficiary for number of reasons. The first objective of this research is to increase the production per hour by increasing the efficiency. Effic iency is directly related to production because if the marker is efficient, it can be easily layed out on he large bundles of fabric. Another objective is to increase the efficiency of the garment, when the marker made is good, the efficiency will increase and overall quality of the garment will be improved. It will also decrease the waste produced by the cutting department since with marker making technology, fabric will be properly utilized. One more major objective is to meet the international quality standards like for example ISO and etc. The objective goal of 83% percent efficiency which is the best in industries currently has to be met.This efficiency had to be tested on manual and computerized in order to find which gives the more efficiency and saves the fabric. SCOPE OF THE THIS RESEARCH One of the benefits of finding the efficiency was that the apparel industries require less labour to produce the garmants. The turnaround time of maker making is faster if done all at one time and pricewise, it will cost less money to manufacture a garment in apparel industries just by paying a flat rate for the whole process versus paying regular prize for each individual job.The markers can be fully customized to fit any costumer’s designing needs and are offered to apparel companies, Professional business people, Artists, People with new design inventions, young designers trying to launch for the first time a collection and people in  general who want to create a small clothing line to sell their designs on an online website store. Turn around time for most jobs done through marker making is faster than making each individual pattern made separately.An efficient marker coordinates and organizes all the work flow to be done for the costumer and spends a great deal of time explaining each little detail of the design process to its design team who will be in charge and responsible for the completion of a given project. Pricewise, making a garment through 83 percent efficient computerized marker will cost a lot less money versus paying five to ten thousand rupees for the making each single pattern by hand. This amount of money is often spend by manufacturing companies who have the obligation of aying all the salaries of their design team which can add up to thousands of rupees every week not forgetting the fact that paying regular prize for each individual pattern will always be more expensive than paying a flat rate for all the work to be done. In addition an efficient maker has many advantages, one of them is the ability to create many pattern and lay them on several fabrics in one location. This requires less space and the company can save its lot of space. Turnaround time for all pattern to be made are faster if done all at one time. LITERATURE REVIEWFor industrial garments preparation, marker making is a very important chapter for highest usage of fabric and for lowest wastage of fabric. This is a process which is performed to draw the pattern pieces on the fabric before cutting. This may be done by drawing the pattern pieces on the fabric directly or by drawing the pattern pieces on a thin marker paper and then placement the paper onto the fabric lay. So, we can define the marker as bellow. Marker is a thin paper which contains all necessary pattern pieces for all sizes for a particular style of garments in such a way that, fabric wastage would be least.The representation or drawing of the arrangement of identified garment pattern relevant to the cutting of a batch material. The marker is placed on the material and provides guideline for cutting. Marker may be on fabric or held in computer data files. Marker width is equal to the minimum fabric width and its length depends on the no of pattern sizes that will be drawn. Preparations of Marker Making Before the marker making, some preparatory processes would be followed. The processes are discussed ago (In preparatory processes chapter).Without those, some oth ers preparations are * Marking Grain Line : Before marker making, the grain line of pattern and fabric must be marked. * Fabric Measurement : Before marker planning, the fabric must be measured carefully. Because, marker width is relevant to the minimum fabric width. * Fabric Faults : Fabric faults would be also under consideration. In a fabric roll, where any faults found, that points must be avoided for quality production and to least the fabric wastage. * Cutting Table : Marker planner should consider the cutting table length before making marker.Marker length must be less than the cutting table length. Constraints of Marker Making During marker making, the work of the marker planner is subjected to a number of constraints. These relate to i. The nature of the fabric and the desired result in the finished garment. ii. The requirements of quality in cutting. iii. The requirements of production planning. The nature of the fabric and the desired result in the finished garment * Patt ern alignment in relation to the grain of the fabric, pattern pieces normally carry a grain line.When pattern pieces are laid down the piece of cloth, the grain line should lie parallel to the line of the warp in a woven fabric or the wales in a knitted fabric. Where pattern pieces are laid across the piece, the grain line should lie parallel to the weft or course direction. If the marker planner lays down a pattern outside the stated rules for grain lines, then the finished garment will not hang and drape correctly when worn. This requirement to follow the grain lines restricts the freedom of the marker planner in choosing how to lay the patterns in the marker. * Symmetry or AsymmetryMany fabrics can be turned round (through 180. ) and retain the same appearance are called symmetrical. They require no special attention during marker making. Asymmetrical fabrics are those which are turned (through 180. ) and do not retain the same appearance. Examples of such fabrics are pile which is brushed in one direction and which show different reflection of light. The marker should be planned in such a way that it is in accordance with symmetry, asymmetry of the fabric. All pattern pieces of a garment should be along the same direction when laid down on a symmetrical fabric. * Design characteristics of the finished garmentsIf a vertical stripe does not show a complete mirror image repeat, the right and left sides of a garment may be mirror images of each other. In this case, a pattern should be placed on checks in such a way that the design matches when sewing up. During marker planning, a marker maker must have to think about matching the checks and stripes in a garment. His freedom is restricted here. So I think it?  ¦s a constraints for a marker maker. The Requirements of Quality in Cutting * For majority of cutting situations where a knife blade is used, the placements of the pattern pieces in the marker must give freedom of knife movement.A blade, which has width , cannot turn a perfect right angle in the middle of pattern piece and space must always be allowed for a knife to turn such corners. The amount of space depends on the actual cutting method employed. * Pattern count check that the complete menu of pattern has been included. * Correct labeling of cut garments parts is essential to identify correctly the garment parts for whole garment sizes. It is the responsibility of the marker planner to code every pattern pieces with its sizes as the marker is planned. The Requirements of Production PlanningWhen an order placed for a quantity of garments, normally specifies a quantity of each size and colour. If the sewing room requires the cut work urgently, the marker may make two markers. 1. Short marker and 2. Long marker. * For long marker, it can be made according to the size proportion and different sizes. This process is very much efficient and takes more time and increased shade variation. * For short marker and for the particular order two marker can be made, this process is less efficient but takes less time and more production and small cutting table. For complex garments long markers generally offer more opportunities for savings than do short ones. * The more sizes that included in a marker, the greater are the scope for fabric savings. Greater fabric savings and after lower total cost would normally result, from cutting a stepped lay with paper markers on top. However, though for greater efficiency, a marker maker needs opportunity to work with freedom, but for maintaining proper quality some criteria must be followed. That is why there are some constraints of marker making. Methods of Marker Making There are two methods of marker making. i. Manual method. ii. Computerized method.Here marker is produced in two ways. 1. Marker drawn directly on fabric lay. 2. Marker drawn on marker paper. EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY In order to find out which method gives near 83 % efficiency, the data collected was analyzed by the means of statistical mathematics. 5 samples had to be selected from each; 1. Manual Marker Making 2. Computerized Marker Making The computerized Marker making will be further tested using 7 different computerized machines for making markers. In total there were 5 samples from manual and 35 samples from Computerized Marker Making which means that there were total 40 samples of markers. 75 yards of fabric was used to lay markers on them. Each technique and machine was given 175 yards of fabric and the total fabric utilized was 7000 yards. The experiment was done 200 times in order to get 5 samples from each technique and method. In order to find out the efficiency, there is a formula which calculates it. The formula is Area of the patterns X 100 Area of the marker Out of 200 samples 40 samples were selected through simple random selection. 5 samples were selected from manual marker and 35 samples were selected from computerized marker making.After sampling the results were put in the table and the mean of efficiency was calculated for the left out samples in order to find out how much efficiency at max could be given. RESULTS The 5 selected samples from each method and technique were taken out and their efficiency was calculated. After getting their efficiency they were put in the table to find out the mean efficiency produced by them. MANUAL MARKER MAKING Sample 1 | Sample 2| Sample 3| Sample 4| Sample 5| 76. 56% | 78. 34%| 67. 66%| 61. 2%| 67. 3%| Mean efficiency of manual marker making= 70. 2 % Efficiency from manual marker making can be of maximum 70. % but the required efficiency is 83% which makes the saves the fabric most. COMPUTERIZED MARKER MAKING LECTRA Sample 1| Sample 2| Sample 3| Sample 4 | Sample 5 | 81| 80| 79. 9| 79. 7| 81. 3| Mean efficiency from Lectra = 80. 38% Efficiency from Lectra marker making can be of maximum 80. 38 % but the required efficiency is 83% which makes the saves the fabric most. COMPUTERIZED MARKER MAKING NESTER Sample 1| Sample 2 | Sample 3 | Sample 4| Sample 5| 78. 9 | 77. 7| 81. 2| 81. 3| 80. 18| Mean efficiency from Nester = 79. 85% Efficiency from Nester marker making can be of maximum 79. 5 % but the required efficiency is 83% which makes the saves the fabric most. COMPUTERIZED MARKER MAKING GERBER Sample 1| Sample 2| Sample 3 | Sample 4 | Sample 5| 85| 86| 82. 3| 83. 3| 83| Mean efficiency from Gerber = 83. 92% Efficiency from Gerber marker making can be of maximum 83. 92 % and the required efficiency is 83% which saves the fabric most and it means that Gerber met the required efficiency percentage. Sample 1| Sample 2| Sample 3 | Sample 4 | Sample 5| 82| 82. 2| 81. 37| 82. 67| 82. 73| COMPUTERIZED MARKER MAKING AUTOMATIC NESTER Mean efficiency from Automatic Nester = 82. 1%Efficiency from Automatic Nester marker making can be of maximum 82. 1 % and the required efficiency is 83% which saves the fabric most. COMPUTERIZED MARKER MAKING ASSYST BULLER Sample 1| Sample 2| Sample 3 | Sample 4 | Sam ple 5| 81| 79. 8| 81. 8| 81| 80| Mean efficiency from Assyst Bullmer= 80. 72% Efficiency from Assyst Bullmer marker making can be of maximum 80. 72 % and the required efficiency is 83% which saves the fabric most. Sample 1| Sample 2| Sample 3 | Sample 4 | Sample 5| 82. 33| 82. 23| 81. 36| 82. 90| 82. 88| COMPUTERIZED MARKER MAKING TUKATECH Mean efficiency from Tukatech = 82. 34%Efficiency from Tukatech marker making can be of maximum 82. 34 % and the required efficiency is 83% which saves the fabric most. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS Lectra Because material savings are a fundamental factor for every apparel firm, Lectra has spent the last 25 years developing solutions that apply state-of-the-art technology for material optimisation. Diamino V4 is its latest computer assisted version which, when combined with Expert V4, provides an automatic marker-making tool that can handle all kinds of fabrics and generate entire markers or complete partially operator-processed markers.Lectra says it s â€Å"intelligent software† takes into account the specific requirements of different garments, fabrics and pattern pieces. Gerber Technology Maximizing fabric utilisation is not the only consideration of marker making: the time it takes is increasingly important too. Gerber Technology has modified its AccuMark and Micromark software to allow parts to be rotated according to specified laying and style rules. The grain line deviation can also be defined. For the actual automation of the marker production its software has been integrated with Nester Server. NesterNester is available in two versions: NesterServer as an upgrade to CAD systems from Gerber, Assyst, Asahi, Toray, PAD and VetiGraph; and the Nester complete nesting system. This software tool automatically generates cost-effective markers for production, costing and engineering. It also combines automatic and semi-automatic options. The company claims Nester's return on investment is realised in under six months. Fab ric savings with automatic nesting Nester Inc offers this real-life example of a sportswear manufacturer cutting $30 million of fabric annually. Four production markers were given to Nester to process automatically.On average, Nester generated layouts that were superior to CAD-based manual results by 1. 05 per cent. The average length used in the four markers was 714. 21 cm with Nester and 721. 85 cm with traditional CAD-based manual nesting. On average, NESTER outperformed a CAD operator by 7. 64 cm, or 1. 05 per cent. If this saving were extended over the entire marker population in this factory, 1. 05 per cent fabric savings would equate to $315,000 per annum. Pad Systems Although Pad Systems' software integrates with Nester, it also has its own automatic marker making system.Within this, individual pattern pieces are directly related to the base pattern piece, so any changes to the pattern are automatically reflected in the marker. This feature is important in a fast changing fa shion industry where patterns may be modified several times throughout the development of a style. New markers are based on a similar, though previously manually made, marker of a comparable style and material. Thus Pad's automatic marker combines the original manual skill of the marker maker with the processing speed of the computer.This combination, the company explains, results in similar fabric utilisation but the new marker is achieved in a fraction of the time. Assyst Bullmer Assyst Bullmer no longer supplies automatic marker making software to its customers, explaining that automarker. com uses the most up-to-date software, is maintenance-free, and is available 24/7. On their own CAD systems customers define the width of marker, the sizes to plan and constraints such as whether rotation or twisting off grain is allowed. This is then sent to the website and the results download by the factory or sub contractor.Users include manufacturers in Eastern Europe where the comparable cost of manual lay planning on a CAD system would be low. Tukatech Tukatech's automatic marker making facility is called Nest ++ and is of particular use in helping cater for overload or rush orders, for large ratio markers and to estimate the best efficiencies on many fabric widths during pre-production. Efficiencies are said to be comparable to manually placing pieces in the CAD system (approximately 1 to 3   per cent difference). Users can start a marker with manual placement and Nest++ will finish the job automatically.Benefits are said to include increases in material efficiency with subsequent decreases in material waste, time and labour savings in making markers; improvements in overall marker quality; tighter markers; avoidance of backlogs during peak periods; and fast, precise cost proposals for clients. FINDINGS After experimentation the GERBER machine, is the best in reducing waste and giving the more efficiency. It is better to install Gerber rather than installing any other experimented CAD machine. Manual should be eliminated as the system is very faulty and old. CONCLUSIONIn manual system the system is used to make maker for garment making is traditional. But in CAD system marker making is done in modern system. Marker efficiencies are not visible in manual system. Other hand, marker efficiency is visible in CAD system. Marker length is not visible in manual system while Marker length is visible in monitor screen at CAD system. In manual, once marker is made, it is not possible to increase its efficiency. But in CAD it is possible to increase the efficiency at any time possible which means that fabric can be saved. In manual if the marker is layed, nothing can be done about it.Marker copying is not possible manually, so it is very time consuming to trace each and every other marker out there. In CAD, by using Plotter as much as possible copy can be done. Manual marker making is very time consuming method whereas, CAD is a faster method. In man ual system quality cannot be assured, sometimes markers can be good other times really faulty but in CAD, it has quality assurance. Even though manual system costing is low, CAD is expensive but the labour cost reduced saves cost in the long terms and since markers can be utilized again and again there is no special need of hiring a professional marker maker to make the atterns and lay them on fabrics. Out of all the CAD system Gerber turned out to be the best since it has an automatic efficiency calculator and it evens shows and tells that this much amount of fabric would be wasted if the efficiency percentage is low. Therefore, apparel industries are recommended to use Gerber as their primary source for making Patterns and makers. APPENDIXES 1. Marker Making Marker is a part of a paper on which the patterns of  all parts of the garments are drawn so that garments can be made by usingminimum quantity of fabric. 2. Marker EfficiencyThe efficiency of marker making means that how ef ficient it is in saving the fabric. 3. Computerized Marker Making Markers which are made through the means of Computer 4. Manual Marker Making Markers which are prepared manually by a trained professional 5. Laying The putting of patterns/makers on the bundles of fabric. 6. Plotter This is in computerized maker making. In plotter line diagrams of patterns or makers are drawn. REFERENCES 1. Garment Construction Skills (Premlata Mullick) 2. Apparel Manufacturing (Sewn Product Analysis) 3. Patternmaking for Gerber Technology (Helen Joseph-armstrong) 4. www. scribd. com/doc/61990320/Marker-Making

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Apple external environment analysis Essay

Business background Apple.Inc. was founded in 1976 by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. It became successful in the personal company industry because of its incredible innovative products and business strategy. Small computer was the costumer- friendly product that has a clear future vision. Steve Jobs found this market and believe the demand for this market was big. Apple was the most successful initial public offering after Ford Motor Company in 1980. Apple also was the fast company that hit the Fortune 500 in the history. However, Apple nearly goes into bankruptcy by the middle of 1990s due to the fierce external competition from the IBM and the Microsoft and the internal rapidly growth. In order to stay afloat, apple focused on innovated their personal industry line. This helps Apple became successful ever after. Nowadays, the Apple Company involved in designs, manufactures, and markets personal computers, mobile communication and media devices and portable digital music players. It also sells the relative service, software, third- party digital content and applications and etc. The main product included IPhone, IPad, Mac, Ipod, AppleTV. The professional software applications and operating system IOS and OS X are also the part of product for the Apple. Apple sells the delivers digital content and application online through ITunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store to provide service for the item they sale such as Mac. Customer can buy the entire product through online store, the retail stores, direct sales force that located worldwide. Not only these, customer can buy the Apple product as well as through third-party cellular network carriers, wholesalers, retailers, and value-added resellers. (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) Mission statement According to the information show on the Apple website, there is no clear â€Å"official† Apple’s mission statement. The following paragraph can be seeing as the mission for the Apple Inc on the Apple Corporation website. â€Å"Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers on the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devises with iPad.† (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) This is Apple’s mission statement because it matches with the characteristics of a mission statement in some parts. During this paragraph, the product, services and the market for Apple has been clearly described. Customer can understand who are they and what they do through this short paragraph. However, in another way, this â€Å"mission statement† is more like a product list. Without list all the product, this mission statement nether mentioned customer nor the value or the purpose for the company. It is clear to see that Apple Corporation is the product-oriented company. Vision statement The vision for the Apple Corporation is also can be seen as its mission statement. â€Å"Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to student, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings.† (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) Unlike the mission statement, the vision statement is clearly customer- oriented. The market, product, customer and the self-concept for the future Apple Corporation has been mentioned in this one sentences. The future path of the Apple is clearly described as to bringing the best personal computing experience to all the customers. Strategy Based on the vision of Apple Corporation. Company will continue bringing the best product for the customers by innovation. Using unique ability Apple will continue design and improve its own operating system and all the other service, hardware and application to customer. Let the customer enjoy the new product that more easy-to-use and innovated design. Apple Corporation will continue investment in research, design, marketing and advertising. All these investments will play important role at developing and sale the new products. As the part of online store, all the customers who have â€Å"IOS† devices can discover, buy and download application and book from Apple store and iBook. Third- party application and digital content also are the important parts of iTunes store, which provide large number of revenue for Apple Corporation. To expand the discovery and delivery platform for the third- party who provide high quality hardware or software are also parts of strategy. The comp any believes that knowledgeable salespersons who can transform the value of product has the ability to attract and keep customers. The strategy for the marketing part is included that enhancing and expanding both online and retail stores to reach more customers and provide them a high-quality buying and post sales experience. (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) Strategy objective The financial objective- Continuing working in product innovation to extent the current product lifecycle. Through update the current system or launch the new product to maintain and growth market share and make profit. The customer related objective- the best way to keep loyal customer is by launch new innovative product. Keeping current customer base and extent the new market with the special focus on the developing countries like China and India will help Apple Corporation win the competition with the competitors. External Macro environment analysis Political Factors: Apple Corporation manages its business based on the geography base, which are general based on the location of its customers. Nowadays, Apple has retail store in 13 countries and sell their product through reseller and other ways all over the world. According to the annual report of 2013, the domestic and international sales accounted for 39% and 61%. The international market plays an important role for Apple Corporation. Wars, disasters, bad global relations and terrorism can affect business. In order to inter the foreign market, the company activity is affected by the local laws and regulation. For example, tax import and export requirement, intellectual property, labour, ownership and infringement, foreign exchange controls, environment and etc. those policy are different in different countries. In some of the countries, to enter the market may need to do the additional testing, product modifications, delays in product shipping dates, or decline product from the product list. All these will increase the operation cost and affect the sales of Apple product. As the policy may consistent change, in the future, the cost of doing business will continue increase. Any delay the introduction of new product caused by the changes of law or regulation has the possible result that product or service are less attractive to the customer even worst may damage the Apple image in its customers and retailers. (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) Economic Factors In the past few years, the world’s economy starts getting better from the recession. But the inflation rate still high, while the earning for the customers did not change. The unemployed rate is increase in many countries. Due to all these reason, customer’s purchasing power may reduce. People trend to spend less and do not buy the product that is experience. According to the finance data provide by the Apple annual report, the net income of 2013 (37,037 million) was less than the 2012(41,733 million). (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) The sales in some product are decreased. During the economic recession period, currency exchange rate become volatile. Apple using the margins on sales of the products in foreign countries to paid the foreign suppliers. Using this way to minimum the affect of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations. Social Factors As the global warming become more and more serious. Environmental protection problem become major issues in many countries. Some of them are where Apple operates. Most of the Apple product is produced outside the American. For example, iPhone is mainly produced in China. However, in the past few years, as the people and government in China are start consider the environment issues that caused by the manufactories. And the labor cost has increased in China. The total cost for producing iPhone has consistent increase. Technology Factors: Apple Corporation is in the market that has fast technology changes, no matter for personal computer, mobile phone and all the other electronic products. All of products are facing the heavy competition to the other companies such as Samsung. The characters of the technical industry are short product life period, need to introduce new product frequently and need to improve product performances frequently. In order to facing the rapidly changes in this industry, companies need to spend lots of money on research, design and development. However, this is good for Apple Corporation as they are using the unique operation system that designed by themself. Macro- environment affect industry Environment Apple Corporation are belong to the electronic industry, which is the industry that worth billions of dollars. More and more people’ work and daily life communication are relay on the consumer electronic such a computer and mobile phone. The size of the electronic manufactories continues increase. The electronic wastes are coming with the development of industry. The electronic devices are usually made by the toxic materials that are very hard to recycle. In one year, over 3 million tone electronic waste are produced in the United States. (EPA.) It’s clearly to see that in today’s society people are trend to be more environmental friendly. Not only the material that use to make the electronic devices need to be save, but also the other materials. Currently, the people in the industry are trying to design the sustainable electronics to help reduce the wastes. Tim Cook reveals his vision of industry. The future of the electronic industry is to use greener materials, less packaging, keep electronic product out of the landfills. (Jay Yaro, 2014) Demographics Currently, the customer for the electronic devices like computer and mobile phone are the young people at age between 18 and 35. It’s turn out that lots of company are forgot a important market-the middle age adult. The adult in the age between 40 and 60 should be the major market as most of them are earning money. Nowadays, with the technology development people are forced to use electronic devices. Especially for the middle age people who has a job. Those people are willing to buy the product for the work and start learning technology. Middle age is the group of people that has the highest purchasing power no matter in what time. After ten years, the young people at age of 18 to 35 are growing to the middle age and start work. This group of people is both familiar with all the electronic device and have money will provide much more revenue for the electronic industry. The developing countries like China also have a potential to growth in the future. Based on the population of those developing countries, the major market for the electronic industry in the future will transform from developed countries to the developing countries. Economic Electronic industry is one of the fastest developing industries in the world. In some way, it is driving the economy growth. Electronic is important for almost every major industry in the world. The trend for the global industry is to become more and more automated. The productivity for the electronic  industry or the information technology industry will increase much more than the other industry, especially in the developing country where skilled labor are experience. Porter’s Five Forces model Rivalry Among Existing Competitors- Strong The electronic and information technology industry are both well know as the fast growth industry. The competition between companies is strong. This is the reason why the larger companies for the industry are less. The threat of existing competitors is very high for the Apple. The company is now operating three major markets: personal computer, mobile phone and the music players. For the personal computer area, Apple needs to compete with the big company like Dell, Toshiba, HP and etc. Apple using its unique operation system successful occupied parts of the market. However, as the difference of the market strategy, all the company is focus on different market. For the mobile phone area, Apple has to compete the big companies like Samsung and Blackbarry. For the music player area, Apple occupied 72% of the market. (Cole, 2013)However, the competitors like Sony are continue improve themselves. The only way to keep all the market share is to consistently improve and provide new product. In the future, as the market for the industry are moving from the developed countries to the developing countries, how to win the competition without lower price will be the top issue that Apple should work with. Bargaining Power of Buyers – Strong For the Apple Corporation, the â€Å"buyers† will be almost every one in the world. According to the large customer base, it’s clearly to say that the bargaining power of buyers is strong. There are so many choices for buyers. (different brand that provide the similar product.) Customers can easily switch between the brands. The individual buyer often knows the basic information for the product. These group of customer looking for the  computer that has high quality but lower price. The bargaining powers for them are moderate. Apple is mainly targeting the customers that have academic institute, colleges and schools students, and retail buyers. School and some other organization is the big buyer for the apple computer area. Their bargaining power as a buyer is high. As the technology industry continues development, the new buyer come into the market. This large number of customers may change the current market. But one thing will not change is that the power is control by the customers. Bargaining Power of Suppliers – Weak Expect the suppliers like Intel. The bargaining power for the suppliers is low. For the big company like Apple, there are thousands of suppliers want to establish the relationship with it. For the suppliers, the competition between their own industries is strong. The low enter requirement caused lots of new enter. However, it’s hard to get large order since the existing relationships between current suppliers and company. Apple has lots of choices, the number of satisfaction substitute suppliers are many. The cost for Apple switch the supplier from one to another is low. The bargaining power for Apple as the buyer is strong, which sometime can influence the price for the product. Not only Apple as a buyer can influence the price, the price competition between the suppliers will also lower the price, which lower the cost for Apple. Currently, people are start pay more attention on the environment protection. According to Tim Cook’s vision of environment, the current supplier may have to become even greener to maintain the relationship with Apple. Threat of New Entrants – moderate The electronica industry keep attracting to the new enter with its rapid growth and increasing customer base. In another way, the industry are not attracting new enter as they are enter to the mature market that have to face the fierce competition. The giant player like Apple, Dell, Samsung are in the market and control the most of market. It’s hard to compete with these companies. To enter the high-tech industry the capital requirement are relatively high. The giant company like Apple are already controlled the supply and marketing channel. It is hard for a new enters get assessing to those channel. Another important parts is that in the current market, customer are usually loyalty to the larger and old brand. This is the challenge for the new enter to get market share from the well-know competitors. Threat from Substitutes – moderate The threat from the substitutes is moderate for Apple. There is not much product can substitute the electronic devices like computer, smartphone and music player. However for some of people, they do not need these entire products especially for the elder people. They may more like to read news on newspaper rather than on the websites and writing on the paper rather than taping on Computer. The traditional way is the substitute for this industry. However, as the industry continually developing, the threat from this part will consistently decrease. Reference Apple. Inc (Sept.29, 2013) Apple Annual Report Form 10-K. Apple.Inc. Jay Yaro (APR. 21, 2014) Tim Cook Reveals His Vision For Apple In An Environmental Video. Retrieved from video-2014-4 EPA (n.d) Cleaning Up Electronic Waste. Retrieved from Shane Cole (December 19, 2013) Apple’s iPod continues to lead an ever-shrinking market of portable media players. Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Pop Culture Experience (Counseling is my subject area) Assignment

Pop Culture Experience (Counseling is my subject area) - Assignment Example In the African culture, marriage is sacred and solidifies relationship amongst communities and even nations. Nigerian culture and by far African culture celebrates the rains, harvests and birth of children which ushers new life and lineage continuity. Marriage is a rite of passage but the way Johnny is portrayed in this song is completely opposite to what young men go through during initiation period (Alade, 2013). A young man is not allowed even to touch a lady before marriage as it is believed it can bring bad omen to the family and embarrass the community at large. Johnny is accurately portrayed in this song due to civilization that is being experienced in the African continent. Western civilization and the unstoppable wave of globalisation has introduced many practices that were not there in the African culture including dating that was never heard of in the yester years. Kenny Rogers hit song â€Å"Coward Of The County† was out in 1979 single in the album Triple Platinum Kenny (Roland, 1991). The song is about Kenny Rogers’s nephew, Tommy, whom everyone in his County regarded a coward and nicknamed him yellow because he never stood up for himself to show the County what he was made of. His dad had died in prison ten years before this song and he had forbidden him to do the things he had done that got him jailed (Roland, 1991). From the lyrics, Tommy’s dad advised him that ‘turning the other cheek’ is not a sign of weakness and that in confrontations he should ‘walk away’; until this one day when Tommy’s girlfriend was raped by The Gatlin Brothers and he had to break his father’s promise by beating all the three brothers leaving them unconscious in the barroom (Roland, 1991). The three brothers in this song, The Gatlin, who are the minority, do not re-present the dominant culture in any society. They felt strong in the County

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Product Classifications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Product Classifications - Essay Example Organizational goods are those goods that firms purchase and use them to develop a final product. It includes office products, tools, equipment or parts that go into the final product. Raw materials and agricultural products are those goods that come directly into the earth not having gone through any human modification. Consumer goods are those goods that consumers are able to purchase and utilize them. The three main product classifications are further sub-divided into smaller categories for purposes of developing good market mixes. For instance, consumer goods are subdivided into specialty goods, shopping goods and convenience goods. According to Peter and Donnelly (2011), a marketing manager can utilize a product classification scheme as an important analytical device to assist them in planning marketing programs and strategies. As noted above, product classifications are developed basing on the assumption that such products can be marketed similarly. From the developed product classifications, a marketing manager will be able to strategize on their marketing strategies to ensure that a marketing program covers products that require the same type of promotion and marketing channels. This is to say that a product classification enables a marketing manager to device a marketing mix strategy. Goods under the same classification have similar attributes that make it possible to market them using a single marketing program or strategy. This is because such goods could either be destined for the same market or undergone the same degree of processing or transformation. These classifications are therefore important in enabling a marketing manager to place products appropriately when developing marketing strategies and marketing mixes.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

An uncomfortable event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

An uncomfortable event - Essay Example 12). People ignore them and sadly, I was amongst the persons that would rather have ignored these issues instead of that acknowledging that they were a part of the society I called home and in truth, I was in no way a contributor to the solution. They say that experience goes a long way in educating fools and my dawn came much earlier than I anticipated. I pride myself on being a traveler. My family is well off and I have been lucky to come across various opportunities to visit foreign places. In my ventures, I have seen a lot of the beauty that life has to offer. It is only in recent years that I have indeed acknowledged that in as much as I have seen life’s beauty I have kept away from delving deep into its ugliness. I used to be the kind of person who would rather not use a street that is the shortest way to my destination if I would come across scenes of poverty. This would force me to acknowledge that there are those living on the other side of life where even the most basic of needs are hard to come by. Much as I like to travel, I have not been particularly inclined towards the smell of airports. I have asked a number of my friends if they notice that there is always a heavy smell of paper and machinery in airports. I call it the â€Å"smell of technology; thick, musky and nauseating.† Airports always heighten my anxiety. I find that when I am in one I tend to lose my calm demeanor and my heart starts to beat extremely first even if I am not in a rush. I have often thought that this could be because of the realization of incoming change through transition. Maybe it’s because everyone in the vicinity, always seems in a rush or maybe because of the lengthy protocols and official staff demeanor, whatever the case however, airports are my least favorite place. I remember standing in line at the airport for check in. A little girl behind me squeaked with excitement. I could tell from her anxiety and the way she kept looking around, it was her first time

Friday, July 26, 2019

UK Tax System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

UK Tax System - Assignment Example Profit margins are small: Higher expenditure and lower selling prices will lead to a lesser bottom-line and so lower dividend payments. This problem can be overcome by working efficiently and effectively to generate high sales and stand up competitively by not lowering the prices of goods. Late payments from customers will seriously influence the cash flow: In this case, credit terms should be discussed beforehand with customers and be kept strict so as to make inflows earliest. Key supplier (s) will gradually be dissatisfied: If payment problems to suppliers arise due to the expansion or new orders being taken, suppliers will be alarmed and dissatisfied with the company. To cure this problem, the company should beforehand discuss the situation with the suppliers and the credit terms should be precisely conveyed so as to prevent future problems. (b) There are a number of short-term finances available to the company to finance its proposed expansion; two of them are discussed as follo ws: Bank Loan, and Bank Overdraft Bank Loan: In the case of this company, bank loan pertains to the short-term period usually equal to or less than a year. The bank according to the credit rating lends the company a certain amount of loan needed and on an interest rate negotiated. Strengths: Amount will be received on one-time basis and the payment will be done in monthly, quarterly or semi annually installments Cost of borrowing is lower than other means such as Bank Overdraft Interest rates are low Reliability and security is always there in terms of getting the money from the bank on time and for a certain period of time contracted upon with the bank Weaknesses: The loan will be secured against the company’s assets The riskier the business is, the higher the interest rate the bank will charge to cover up its risk Arrangement fees, as well as repayment fees, will have to be paid In case of early repayment of loan, an extra charge will have to be paid Bank Overdraft: It is a kind of loan arrangement under which a bank extends credit allotted to a company up to a maximum amount called the overdraft limit against which a customer or company who has current or checking account with the bank can write checks or make withdrawals (Business Dictionary 2011). Strengths: Appropriate for short-term financing Not secured against any asset of the company so the process of obtaining the loan Is expedited Only charged for the amount overdrawn from the bank account and also pertaining only to the period of time the overdraft facility had been used by the company Weaknesses: The bank overdraft amount has to be paid on demand of the bank. This puts the company at a great risk in the case when the bank decides to request the money back at an inconvenient time for the business High-interest rate is charged (c) Capital Gearing Ratio This ratio tells us that how much risk the company is in terms of financial risk and it is used by companies as well as its shareholders to a nalyze the company’s capital structure and leverage (Accounting for Management 2011).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

INDUSTRY ANALYSIS PROJECTS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

INDUSTRY ANALYSIS PROJECTS - Research Paper Example The scopes, opportunities and contexts of the publishing industry including the Canadian publishing industry are governed by the NAICS codes. But the advent of the internet and the increasing access of the population to the World Wide Web have blurred the geographical boundaries affecting the publishing industry. The value chain of this industry has undergone major changes and has assumed a more complex structure with the changes in the reading preferences of people as well as the changes in the teaching styles in different countries. The distribution channels of the publishing houses have also evolved with the shifting contexts of the industry. The geographical constraints of the publishing industry have been abolished and the importance of quality of publishing has become more critical for companies to survive in this industry. The publishing industry is dependent on achieving economies of scale in their operations and is dominated by the concentrated level of competition. The indu stry is in the maturity phase which needs to revamp the processes in order to prevent the saturation of the industry and create sustainability and development for the publishing industry. Innovation and balance between print and online publishing are critical factors that decide the scope of the publishing industry. The Canadian publishing industry has been facing major challenges in the changing global scenario. The powerful publishing companies in this industry being more focused on profit reaping rather than following the industry standards and have created certain obstacles in this specific industry. The domestic publishing firms are losing their importance due to the entry and dominance of the foreign publishing houses operating in the Canadian publishing sector. Other issues and boundaries faced in this industry are the achievement of economies of scale and the quick response to the shifting preferences of the consumers of the industry. The balance of power in

Approaches to Cinema - German Expressionism Essay

Approaches to Cinema - German Expressionism - Essay Example The essay "Approaches to Cinema - German Expressionism" investigates German expressionism and films of this style. To begin with, it may be particularly important to engage Metropolis in the discussion. Thus, the beginning of the previous century was a time in history when the human society grew more and more different and stratified. Revolution in the Russian Empire showed that there is a big group of people, the working class, who is in perpetual conflict with the wealthy class that oppresses them. All this was heavily influenced by the view of Karl Marx. The movie Metropolis takes the division between the two classes to a new extreme: on the one hand it, shows people living in paradise who know little about what lays under their city– the true hell on earth. The directors were able to show that the two worlds are dramatically different in every aspect: space, light, action and many others. This might be interpreted as a fear of the ultimate stratification of classes. Anothe r popular concern in Germany in the beginning of the twentieth century focused on the possibility that machines might take up the place of man. Metropolis highlights this theme very distinctly: it is shown that a man can invent a machine and cover it with human form and no one will be able to tell the difference. In spite of the fact that the process of copying the appearance is not properly explained in the money and looks to fantastic, the outcome is more than realistic: people listen to the robotic Maria and choose her as a leader.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

East vs. West Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

East vs. West Germany - Essay Example From the earliest days in 1945, the Allies wanted to avoid the mistakes of the Treaty of Versailles, which had humiliated the German people and had enforced crippling reparations that caused resentment for generations. This time a plan of partition into zones, and a generous package of aid which came to be known as the Marshall plan were adopted as strategies to manage German recovery. In the parts of Germany controlled by Britain, France and America there was a focus on de-Nazification and the building of a democracy that would ultimately fit into the emerging NATO alliance of Western Powers. The political structure which was adopted there was based on western style multi-party democracy, with a constitution that protected basic human rights and prevented the rise of another dictatorship like the Hitler regime. Free market capitalism was the preferred economic style, and this, along with assistance from the Marshall plan funds, created the so-called â€Å"economic miracle† of the post-war years. West Germany became a republic with 11 regions and grew into a strong and stable democracy. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, was keen to integrate the Eastern part of Germany, including its historic capital Berlin, into the network of Socialist states that became known as the Soviet bloc. The economic style was very different, and based on the principles of Socialism, where state-owned collectives ran industry rather than private enterprises. When the Western allies declared the West German mark to be separate from the East German mark, the differences in economic performance became even more marked. A wall was built by the East German authorities to prevent a wholesale emigration of citizens from the East to the West in search of a better standard of living. Winston Churchill’s statement  that an â€Å"iron curtain has descended across the continent† in a speech in 1946 (Perry at al. 2009, p. 300) turned out to be an accurate assessment of the increasing distance between East and West. A single party political system was introduced, and throughout the C old War,   East German citizens were prevented from traveling to the West or hearing about events there.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Informal Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Informal Report - Essay Example The future job outlook for this occupation is expected to grow because of an increased emphasis on preventive care due to the aged and some illnesses such as diabetes, which require special nursing services. The typical salaries for this occupation include an hourly rate of $31.48 or an annual salary of $65470. Examples of the companies where one can apply are the Prime healthcare and Johns Hopkins hospital was opened in 1889 and cares for patients with different illnesses such as Arthritis, lung disorders, knee replacement surgery and many more. The hospital makes earnings of about $1,891,059,968 annually from patients’ revenues. It has employed over 10,000 employees who work in the hospital. The main duties for a registered nurse in this hospital include recording patients medical histories and symptoms, giving patients medicine and treatments, staying with patients and observing patients medical progress (Perry pg 300). This is a good occupation which involves caring for patients, and it has a good income and it is an interesting career to take for people who like caring for the sick. It also involves staying with patients and giving them advice on how to live after they have been discharged from

Monday, July 22, 2019

Of Personal Development, Critical Thinking and Enhanced Quality of Care Essay Example for Free

Of Personal Development, Critical Thinking and Enhanced Quality of Care Essay In this reflection paper, I would like to relate some unforeseen events during the course as well as my experience of being assessed. The medical practitioner assigned to me was a consultant of medicine for geriatric patients. The fact that he is not a physiotherapist may be considered an unforeseen occurrence. I did not really expect him to come from a different field. The similarity in language and way of thinking of practitioners from the same field would have facilitated the process. At first, similar to my feelings in collaborating with my nurse classmates, I had the same feeling of hesitation in associating with my DMP. However, as the course progressed, I realized that he could be a very good mentor. He patiently guided me throughout all the pertinent tasks that I had to carry out. I attended the clinic with him at Saint Pancrase Hospital for the morning Clinic, which finished at twelve o’clock, then the Ward round from two o’clock at Saint Pancrase hospital for two hours. I then went to University College London Hospital for My OSCE after four o’clock at the T10 ward. For the last fifteen years I have been working in a community, this is my first time to examine a patient thoroughly in a hospital, not only to examine the patient but also to perform my Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). Since he wanted to examine me on COPD patient with some complications, he was right that it was hard on me. Yet I did it and enjoyed the experience despite the situation under pressure. It was very long observation from my DMP, which again for long time I did not observe, was indeed a complicated but a true learning experience. I am grateful to my DMP and the way he taught me. I enjoyed his teaching, his approach, and his skills as a consultant were excellent. I will miss his teaching. My experience with him made me see the value of having a competent mentor regardless of the field that one is interested in. The presence of a coach and mentor made learning easier because it made me confident that I can rely on someone who is an expert and possesses a learning attitude, as well as one who is willing to help me out in the process. Admittedly, there were some difficulties in relating with him at the beginning because we were from different fields of study. But again, this experience is a test of flexibility in adjusting to the demands of the situation. I my best to work with him and follow the guidelines and advice which he gave me. In the course of our interaction, I have learned to become more comfortable in dealing with him. There is value in having a good working relationship with one’s superiors and colleagues; it makes the learning journey so much easier. I also feel that I should further develop a mentoring relationship with an expert in this field to be able to reach my full my potential. Empirical research from both educational and industrial settings suggests that students and employees both have increased probability of success if they have had a mentor. While mentors are effective for everyone, sometimes organisations implement mentoring programs to support particular parts of their populations, often newer employees. And while mentoring programs are always established with the best of intentions, their results are often mixed (Werner, 2004). To make the most of my clinical exposure, I hope to establish a strong mentoring relationship with a doctor or a medical allied professional who will be able to coach me on increasing competence in my clinical practice. I have realised that coaching and mentoring are very effective ways of developing my leadership potential because it does not only develop me in terms of technical expertise, but it will also allow me to actually experience how these experts undergo the coaching and mentoring exercise. I have also realised that a novice in any medical allied field acquires clinical judgment and skill over time. Knowledge is refined through actual clinical experience; this moves her from a rule-based, context-free stage to a more analytical, logical and intentional pattern of thinking (Benner, Tanner, Chelsea, 1996). To effectively provide a conducive learning environment, these medical professionals need venues for examining and developing their problem solving and reasoning skills towards making clinical judgments (Miller, 1992). I realised that such venues transpire through numerous learning experiences. In particular, I am contemplating about being able to practice in a large hospital to permit such comprehensive clinical exposure. I have also realised that participating in varied learning experiences offers the chance to apply classroom theory in the clinical setting. This was a point that was shared with me by my DMP. Clinical experiences enable the formation of meaningful related information on the basis of what the nurse has learned in the classroom. There is an expectation that with more experience, this novice can move from the level of advanced beginner to the level of competence by program completion. Clinical judgment is defined as nursing decisions about which areas to assess, analyzing health data, prioritizing which task to do, and who should carry it out (Carnaveli Thomas, 1993). For clinical judgment to be assessed as sound, it should be arrived at using critical thinking and logical reasoning, that will enable the deduction of valid conclusions, and the decisions that may be borne from these. I am thankful for this experience as they have given me profound insight on the areas that I could further develop to become a more competent professional in this field.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History Of Dress Code Cultural Studies Essay

History Of Dress Code Cultural Studies Essay The UAE is the fast changing counties across the world. The UAE has dress code based on respect for the culture and religion. As globalization increases the UAE has been addressing its apparels more than ever. UAE dress code is based on the traditional cultural ethics. The UAE have varying degrees of forbearance to clothing styles from around the world. There are some legal guidelines for which dress code is acceptable perhaps in todays globalized world restrictions for clothing has been removed to some extent. Western expatriates, visitors and tourist have strong influenced the dress codes in the UAE, had diversified the clothing styles of people rather than conventionally dress code. Traditional clothing in UAE for men is a white Kandura (Dishdasha) and Black abaya for women (Dress code in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE). Dress code plays an important role to understanding the customs and traditions of the country. The roots of culture prevails the religion of Islam which is more than belief. It considered as the aesthetic part of the living as per the cultural values and customs. The UAE apparels represent the importance of culture and tradition. Dubai is more advanced than the Abu Dhabi and other emirates. The provision for the dress code has been inspired by the real life story of Asma al-Muhairi has become worried about the increasingly number of foreigners and western attire. She often saw the inappropriate attire of the foreigners which distract the cultural values of the UAE. These incidents inspire her to take action regarding the apparels and enforcing the law against the western culture. History of Dress code: The UAE Federal National Council (FNC) has been set up for the law on the dress code in the Emirates to ensure and respect the customs and sensibilities. Residents and tourists should implement the dress modestly conveying the cultural values. The campaign appealed to set the dress code by proposing the federal law enforcing the dress code against the inappropriate dress code in the UAE. The agenda behind the implementing the dress code is to aware the residents and localities supporting to the Muslim culture and foreigners should respect the traditions and culture of the country. This law strengthens the nations atmosphere of tolerance. The campaign not only lies the clothing also stated the fearing the loss of the regional, social and cultural values due to the immigrants of other countries across the world. They stated that resident have to respect their local culture for transit the values to the next generation of Emirates. The UAE dress code has initiated by the two emirates women- Hanan Al Rayes and Asma AL Muhairi started the campaign at the prospect of foreigners dress in appropriate apparel. This campaign started in the Gulf countries of UAE and Qatar intended to spread awareness in the emigrant communities for appropriate dressing attire opposes to the western culture and supports to the Islam culture on apparels. The campaign aims to educating the people rather than the enforceable by law. The Qatari campaign initiated by the Najla Al Mahmud (Dress code in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE). Importance of the dress code in the UAE: The UAE residents and expatriates need to implement the law of dress code in the context of conventional beliefs. The application of dress code in the country has strong influence on the people to transit the cultural values and Muslim religion. There are significant role of the code of dress code are as follows- Dress code represents the Ethical and cultural orientation. To maintain the discipline at the workplace. Helps to understand the conventional beliefs and values. The dress code is a matter of respect for the residents. Source: The UAE can be resembled its dress code to represent the country in disciplined manner, to make significant as per the cultural prospective. The dress code in the country that outlines the local traditions and supported the federal law by effectively enforce the law for tourist and residents against the wearing the non ethical attire. Some examples of dress code are as follows- Work place dress code- At the work place means are expected to wear the attire a smart shirt with trousers with a neck tie. Suits are suitable for the professionals of high profile. While women expected to wear knee length skirts or full length trousers and shirts with sleeves covers the upper arms should be dressed conventionally in moderate fashion to gain the attention at their respective workplace. An appropriate dress code in Muslim country is an important aspect and recommended to dress conservatively. In Bahrain men restricted to wear shirts and for women tops without sleeves are restricted (Ameri, 2012). Dubai male dishdasha Source: (Dress Code and Conduct in Dubai) Traditional dress code- Traditional clothing for the men is white Kandura (Dishdasha) and black abaya for the women. Different colors also accepted in Oman. Source: (Kipp Report) Dress code during the Ramadan- During the Ramadan men and women should wear the clothes covers knees and shoulders. The attire should be dressed respectful in the context of the cultural values. Dress code benefited for the people: The proper dress code resembled UAE diverse form other countries across the world and represent the country in disciplined manner. The dress code transits the conventional and cultural values for next generation. The aims of applying the dress code to aware the people with traditions and cultural values. If the dress code will be followed by the residents at the workplace in appropriate manner as per the professional prospective such as board meetings and professional tours of the company. Same attire will reflect the higher professionalism in disciplined manner. Opinions of people and Recommendation with respect of dress code: The UAE dress code has attracted several peoples in the supports the idea to implement the dress code. Some followers support the ideas and stated that dress code is the matter of respect to attire adequately in the UAE. Some followers state the religious prospective to expatriates to respect the culture of Islamic country in UAE. Some focused on the changing the traditions in the UAE asserting themselves not wearing the traditional dress code anymore. Some social media users against the restrictions and expatriate community. Recommendation: Adoption of the new laws makes facilitating the effective solution as per the diversified cultures in the country. Freedom of expression is an important aspect and freedom should also be given to the people not strictly enforced by the law. Conclusion: The dress code in the UAE has demonstrated the cultural values and beliefs in the UAE. The code of ethics in the context of the dress code ensures the tourist to adhere the local rules and regulations in respect of the regional values but the globalized scenario has been changing the traditional and conventional beliefs in Middle East in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Though as per the analysis it can be concluded that the dress code implementation has strong influence against the increasing western culture and supports to the cultural values and traditions.

rates of chemical reactions- lo3 questions

rates of chemical reactions- lo3 questions Rates of Chemical Reactions- LO3 Questions 1.1 Two Grand-Pa tablets would have the same effect as one Grand-Pa powder this is because Grand-Pa Headache Tablets each contain, Aspirin: 226,8mg, Paracetamol: 162,0mg and Caffeine: 32,4mg where as Grand-Pa Headache Powders each contain Aspirin: 453,6mg, Paracetamol: 324,0 mg and Caffeine: 64,8 mg thus to obtain the same dosage of ingredients, twice the dosage, thus one would have to take two tablets to equal one powder. 1.2 Drinking them with warm water will allow for a faster reaction rate thus allowing the effect of the pain killer to work faster. Also, if the powder is dissolved into a small amount of water then the solution will be more concentrated and will therefore be able to get to work in a more effective manner quicker, which will allow for the powder to work quicker in relief of pain. 1.3 The granules in the powder have a larger combined surface area than that of a tablet, which results in a reaction with the water to be done quicker with the powder for, resultant of the larger exposed surface area of the granules, more reactions occur/are allowed to occur at a quicker rate between the reacting particles. The tablet, being comprised of compounded granules together, the collisions between the reacting particles is limited for the surface area of one whole tablet is less than the combined surface area of granules. Therefore less reactions are allowed/do occur, therefore the powders provide faster relief than the tablets for they react faster with the water and thus will work faster in supplying pain relief. 1.4Total: 453.6mg+324.0mg+64.8mg=842.4mg Aspirin: (453.6mg/842.4mg) * 100/1=53.85% Paracetemol: (324.0mg/842.4mg)*100/1=38.46% Caffeine: (64.8mg/842.4mg)*100/1=7.69% 1.5 Symptoms of Overdose Aspirin: These include dizziness, tinnitus, sweating, nausea, vomiting, mental confusion, hyperventilation, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, ketosis and depression of the central nervous system. In children serious signs of overdosage may develop rapidly. May include: burning pain in the throat/stomach, confusion, mental/mood changes, fainting, weakness, ringing in the ears, fever, rapid breathing, change in the amount of urine, seizures and loss of consciousness. Paracetamol: Liver damage which may be fatal may only appear after a few days. Symptoms of overdosage include nausea and vomiting. Acute intoxication causes kidney failure. Pallor, nausea, vomiting, anorexia and abdominal pain. Liver damage may become apparent 12 to 48 hours after ingestion. Abnormalities of glucose metabolism and metabolic acidosis may occur. In severe poisoning: hepatic failure may progress to encephalopathy, haemorrhage, cerebral endema (brain swelling), and death. Cardiac arrhythmias and pancreatitis have been reported. Caffeine: Large doses may cause restlessness, excitement, muscle tremor, tinnitus, scintillating scotoma, tachycardia, extrasystoles, restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushed face, dieresis (frequent urination), gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitches, rambling flow of thought and speech, tachycardia or cardiac arythmia (fluctuating heart patterns), periods of inexhaustibility (continuous awareness) and psychomotor agitation ( trouble sitting still and being calm). 1.6 I would advise them not to, because they are already coffee addicts they are probably taking in a lot of caffeine already thus to take the Grand-Pa powders would increase their risk of an overdose. It also has the ability to enhance the effects of paracetamol and aspirin so not only will the caffeine have an effect on the persons body in an overdose situation, but the other contents of the Grand-Pa powders, namely the aspirin and the paracetamol will also have an effect on the body, and the combination of all three of them in an overdose situation will result in certain kidney failure and death resultantly. 2.1 The surface area of wood flour is great, because it is composed of grains which are very small this would cause for a large, sudden explosive effect should the cigarette ignition come into contact with the wood flour. The concentration of the reactants (the wood flour) is great having the granules that are very small and in piles together. Should the ignition/flame from the cigarette come into contact with the piles of the wood flour an explosive effect, resultant of the concentration of the wood flour. The application of the heat to the piles of wood flour will result in the reaction, for the increase in heat will result in a reaction and will work in supplying the sudden reaction of the wood flour parts. The smoking of a cigarette is also banned because cigarette ash can serve as a catalyst and when coming into contact and mixing with wood flour it can become a highly volatile blend. The owners of these mills do not wish to lose their supply and suffer damages to their faciliti es thus; they prohibit people from smoking or bringing fire or ignited material into the mill. A dust explosion is the explosive combustion of a dust suspended in air in an enclosed location, which results in harmful effects of overpressure, thermal radiation, and ensuing projectiles. Many materials which are commonly known to combust can generate a dust explosion, such as coal, sawdust, and magnesium. However, many otherwise mundane materials can also lead to a dangerous dust cloud such as grain, flour, sugar, powdered milk and pollen. Mining of coal leads to coal dust and flour mills likewise have large amounts of flour dust as a result of milling. A similar problem occurs in saw mills and other places dedicated to carpentry. The dust must also consist of very small particles, where the surface area is very large, and so will support combustion. Dust is defined as powders with particles less than about 500 micrometres in diameter, but finer dust will present a much greater hazard than coarse particles by virtue of the larger surface area. There are five necessary conditions for a dust explosion: A combustible dust; (Flour or Wood Flour) The dust is suspended in the air at a proper concentration; (Possible) There is an oxidant (typically atmospheric oxygen); (Possible) The dust is confined; (Yes) There is an ignition source. (Provided by cigarette) Thus there is a high risk of a dust explosion already and the cigarette would just complete the necessary conditions by providing an ignition source. 2.2.1 Use of Oxidant Concentration Reduction Use of Deflagration venting through a dust retention and flame-arresting device 2.2.2 Use of Deflagration venting Use of Deflagration pressure containment Use of Deflagration suppression Use of masks to ensure the reduction of the inhalation of the wood flour. 2.3 1. As an absorbent Absorbent qualities are utilized in cleansers to remove unwanted water, oils, or greases from such articles as delicate machinery parts, jewellery, and furs, or to carry cleansing, poisonous, or other chemical agents to an object. In the manufacture of dynamite, the extreme sensitivity of the explosive agent can be reduced to safe levels by solidifying the liquid nitro-glycerine by absorbing it in a solid medium such a3 wood flour. 2. As decorative material Wood flour is used decoratively in the production of â€Å"oatmeal† and â€Å"velvet† wallpapers, where decoration by design and texture is provided by wood flour, coloured as desired, onto a prepared paper surf ace. 3.1Iron (a porous iron catalyst prepared by reducing magnetite, Fe3O4) Osmium is a much better catalyst for the reaction but is very expensive. 3.2 A catalyst such as an iron catalyst is used to speed up the reaction by lowering the activation energy so that the N2 bonds and H2 bonds can be more readily broken. The catalyst has no affect whatsoever on the position of the equilibrium. Adding a catalyst doesnt produce any greater percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture. Its only function is to speed up the reaction. In the absence of a catalyst the reaction is so slow that virtually no reaction happens in any sensible time. The catalyst ensures that the reaction is fast enough for a dynamic equilibrium to be set up within the very short time that the gases are actually in the reactor. Catalysts lower the activation energy in a reaction by holding particles onto their surface and pointing them into the right direction for a product to form, which in this case is Ammonia. This catalyst, Iron (Fe3O4) , is used for it is ideal for allowing the nitrogen (N2 (g) ) and hydrogen (3H2 (g) )reactants to react and form the produ cts which entails Ammonia (2NH3 (l) ) rapidly. 3.3Ammonia; NH3 (l) 3.4 Fertilizer: Approximately 83% (as of 2003) of ammonia is used as fertilizers either as its salts or as solutions. Consuming more than 1% of all man-made power, the production of ammonia is a significant component of the world energy budget. Cleaner: Household ammonia is a general purpose cleaner that can be used on many surfaces. Because ammonia results in a relatively streak-free shine, one of its most common uses is to clean glass, porcelain and stainless steel. It is also frequently used for cleaning ovens and soaking items to loosen baked-on or caked-on grime. As a fuel: Ammonia was used during World War II to power buses in Belgium, and in engine and solar energy applications prior to 1900. Liquid ammonia was used as the fuel of the rocket airplane, the X-15. Although not as powerful as other fuels, it left no soot in the reusable rocket engine and its density approximately matches that for the oxidizer, liquid oxygen, which simplified the aircrafts design.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Benedict :: essays research papers

Monte Cassino proved to be a most difficult location for Benedict’s new monastic community as many obstacles and impediments were cast in his path along the way to success. But Benedict was able to overcome each obstacle found in his path and became a better man because of his troubles and eventual triumph.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first of Benedict’s plights on the way to the founding of Monte Cassino proved to be a slight obstacle, but a foreshadow of what was to come. Benedict’s monks had been hard at work building cells in the abbey of the community, in the way of the continuance of the building was a large rock. The monks tried and tried to remove the rock with their own strength, but the rock simply would not budge. The reason for this hardship was simple in the eyes of the monks; the devil was hard at work. They then sent for the man of God, Benedict. With a simple blessing Benedict was able to dislodge the rock, making it quite easy for the monks to continue the building of the cells. Not only did this help in the actual physical building of the community, but it also gave the monks a glimpse of what was to come and a reinforced faith in their God and their leader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After this first obstacle it was clear that there were many more to follow. During the next stage of the building process the monks were hard at work building a particular higher. Benedict at the time was praying to God, when all of a sudden the Devil appeared to him and told Benedict that he was going to the monks. The monks unaware of this message continued to work when the next crisis occurred. The newly finished wall was toppled, and landed on a young child, who was a monk, instantly crushing him to death. The monks thinking this was an accident, reported the terrible news to Benedict. Benedict, a man of God, then bade the monks to bring the boy, in whatever state, to him. The monks obeying Benedict, did this and left Benedict to his prayers, and in that very hour, through prayer Benedict was able to revive the boy and set him and his monks back to work on the toppled wall! This recent triumph of Benedict not only proved to his monks that he was indeed an incr edible man of God, but it also proved to them that through the help of God Benedict would protect his monks and his community for the of the evil that is the Devil.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Supporting Ban on Pete Rose from Baseball Hall of Fame Essay examples -

What has the game of baseball meant for Americans? For many baseball is a game of integrity, honesty, and without a doubt skill. When one of these factors is allowed to overtake the other it leaves the game unbalanced with lost priorities. Like everything else in life, baseball has rules and regulations which should be followed and enforced. The Baseball Hall of Fame honors persons who have excelled in playing, managing, and serving the sport. Having ten years of experience in the game and five years of retirement players who pass a screening committee become eligible to be voted into the Hall of Fame. The main discussion now is whether or not to allow Pete Rose into the Baseball Hall of Fame, after betting on baseball while he was a player and manager of the Cincinnati Reds. There are several regulations which ban certain individuals from acceptance into the Hall of Fame such as Rule 21. Pete Rose wouldn't be the first person who has been banned from baseball. Allowing Pete Rose into the hall of fame would deface the integrity of the game. Pete Rose was with out a doubt an outstanding baseball player. Having the highest number of hits ,4,256, in the history of baseball while playing for the Cincinnati Reds making him a great candidate for the Hall of Fame. After retiring in 1986 he became the manager for the Cincinnati Reds during 1987 and 1988 (). While he was managing the Cincinnati Reds he was investigated and was found guilty of gambling on the game. Discovered evidence shows that Rose began betting in the fall of 1984. When Rose was first confronted with this offense he denied all charges and swore under oath that he had never bet on Major League Baseball or had any sort of affiliation with anyone w... ...the responsibility to manage a team of drug-enhanced players and pain-killer abusing pitchers. Until baseball finds its lost priorities it has lost respect and is going to represent a sport of players who would rather sell their souls, and get a way with it, than to be true honest ball players. Pete Rose should not be allowed back in baseball and definitely not in the Hall of Fame. He should at least have the mentality of a ten year old in having the ability distinct what is right from wrong. Not only has he degraded the game but allowing him back into baseball would degrade the sport and the Hall of Fame itself making it degrading as well as unfair for those who are already in the Hall of Fame. How has our nations favorite past time mutated into something that we can't even believe or even have enough trust in our player's integrity for the game to be honest?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Exploring Traumatic Brain Injury in Children Essay -- Medicine

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the leading public health concerns today. The Center for Disease and Control (2010) reported that 1.7 million individuals sustain TBI each year). Moreover, TBI accounts to a third (30.5%) of all injury related deaths in the United States. Those who are most likely to sustain TBI are children (0-4 years), older adolescents (15-19 years) and older adults (65+ years) (CDC, 2010). This analysis will examine the prevalence, diagnosis, treatments, and prognosis of traumatic brain injuries in children. Brain injuries can be classified into mild, moderate, and severe categories. The most commonly used assessment for classifying TBI severity is by using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). This scale assesses individual’s level of consciousness based on verbal, motor, and eye responses to stimuli. Researchers Kung et al (2010) analyzed the components of Glasgow coma scale (GCS) from 27,625 TBI cases in Taiwan. The correlation between the survival rate and certain eye (E), motor (M) and verbal (V) score combinations for GCS (scores of 6, 11, 12, ) were found to be statistically significant. The findings indicate that the three fundamental elements comprising the Glasgow coma scale (E, M, & V) separately and in some combinations are predictive of the survival of TBI patients. The researchers assert that this observation is clinically useful when a complete GCS score cannot be obtained when evaluating TBI patients. Confirmative neuroimaging scans plays a pivotal role in TBI diagnosis, prognosis, and deciding what treatments to give. CT is the preferred method of assessment on admission to determine structural damage and to detect (developing) intracranial hematomas (Maas, Stocchetti, Bullock, 2008). .. ..., Injury, Volume 42, Issue 9, September 2011, Pages 940-944, ISSN 0020-1383, 10.1016/j.injury.2010.09.019. ( Tawfeeq, Mohammed M Halawani, Khulood Al-Faridi, Wa’el AAL-Shaya, Wa’el S Taha, Traumatic brain injury: neuroprotective anaesthetic techniques, an update, Injury, Volume 40, Supplement 4, November 2009, Pages S75-S81, ISSN 0020-1383, 10.1016/j.injury.2009.10.040. ( Yeates, Armstrong, Janusz, Taylor, Wade, Stancin, Drotar, Long-Term Attention Problems in Children With Traumatic Brain Injury, Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 44, Issue 6, June 2005, Pages 574-584, ISSN 0890-8567, 10.1097/01.chi.0000159947.50523.64. (

Ethics and Environment Essay

Innovation is said to occur when something is done in a radically new way. Apple has been frequently cited as the innovation leader in technological world. It, under the leadership of its CEO Steve Jobs, introduced products which were radically different as for as design was concerned. Compared to Apple, Dell’s computers have no innovative design or technical feature. The importance of innovation is such that most of the successful companies around the world are spending huge sums of their profits on innovation related projects. Many people confuse innovation with invention. Innovation and invention are different things. Invention is the first step toward the development of something new. It is the manifestation of an idea while innovation happens when that idea is put to use successfully. Invention can occur any moment while for innovation to occur, years may pass by as it takes a lot of time from researching to introducing a new product. It takes one person to invent and many to innovate as a lot of people are required to do research, test, and market a particular product. Following are the four types of innovation types as described by Oslo Manual: 1- Product Innovation. This type of innovation is said to occur when a significantly different product is introduced by a company. The difference may occur due to design, improved technical specification etc. 2- Process innovation. If a production process is novel and delivery system improved then process innovation is said to have occurred. 3- Marketing Innovation. When a product’s pricing, packaging, or positioning is done in a totally new way then marketing innovation is said to have occurred. 4- Organizational innovation. If organizational culture is changed bringing in a lot of value than organizational innovation is said to have occurred. Innovation is result – oriented, the two main outcomes of innovations as described in a report published by Boston Consulting group are: †¢ Tangible Outcomes: Tangible outcomes refer to new products and design that are achieved as a result of innovating. They are provided legal cover by various intellectual property instruments like copyrights. †¢ Intangible Outcomes: These are outcomes that cannot be quantified and legally protected. A new production process is a tangible outcome. Not every organization that engages in innovative pursuits succeeds. Many organizations complain that their money invested in innovation process is wasted. This does not mean that every organization fails rather there are various success factors that determine whether an organization will succeed and come up with innovative products or services or not. Idea generation is a first step where most organizations fail. If resources are not invested properly, bright ideas might not come to executive’s attention. Companies also need to look to their customers for ideas. Then they need to have proper processes in place to carry forward the best ideas and make most of them. Another success factor that many organizations lack is the absence of good leaders who can gauge the whole innovation process. Innovation process will be disrupted if an organization does not have enough skilled workers. In research and development labs of many successful companies, quality of employees is one factor which has played a big role. Importance to Innovation for Organizations Innovation is critical to any company’s success in these times because it is the main driver of competitive advantage. It is one of the factors that drives the growth and shareholder value of any organization. Every organization wants to come up with creative ideas which they can manifest and implement successfully. One study suggests that distinct products/services and novel business processes are the main competitive advantage that any organization can have. This is also the opinion of the 70 percent of the CEOs of the fastest progressing companies. Almost every organization has realized the value of innovation so much so they have not decreased their R&D budget in this time of recession. One Wall Street Journal report says that big US companies have not decreased their spending on R&D despite a fall of 7. 7% in their revenue. It is true that history teaches us great lessons. The same is case with business world. IPod was introduced soon after the incident of 9/11. Among those who plan to spend almost the same amount on R&D as they did in 2007 are Microsoft, Intel and 3M. Apple is a perfect example of a company which gained competitive advantage mainly by innovative pursuits. It realized that investment in innovation pursuits is the only way to boost profitability that’s why they increased their R&D investment by more than 42% during 1999 to 2000 despite a decrease of 6% in their revenue. This led to products like IPod and ITunes store. They have mainly relied on innovation in design. Apple has also succeeded in capturing a share in cell phone market by introducing another innovative product called IPhone. In the last century, people talked about efficiency and shareholder value. They applied various principles to reduce cost and achieve economies of scale. But their rivals in low- income countries could outclass them because of lower costs of production there. Now is the time to gain competitive advantage by innovation. Human resource of any organization is the best place for creative ideas. It is the people of any organizations that can help give it a competitive advantage by innovating new products and services. Google is another company which has gained significant competitive advantage over its rivals by introducing innovative products. More than 50 percent of internet users use Google as their primary search engine. It introduced the new way of targeting ads based on internet surfing behavior of its users. Google Voice is another of their innovation. Apart from that, they have introduced services like Google mail, Google News etc. The owners of Google have made fortune by indulging in innovation pursuits. Automaker industry also drives its strength from innovation. Toyota, ranked third by Business Week as most innovative company, has come up with cars with very innovative features. It will introduce the powerful Prius which will have solar- powered air conditioner. Microsoft is another company which has gained competitive advantage by rolling out innovative product. It recently introduced Windows 8. It can, therefore, be concluded that if any organization is to gain a competitive advantage, it should foster the innovative environment. This can be achieved by giving way to open culture at organization, empowering people at all levels, and encouraging employees to give their ideas about new products and/or services.